Walking in Trust

Quote_9_Poster_webThis is perhaps the quote that surprised me the most.  Why?  I know I wrote it.  Still, it popped out, seemingly from nowhere, but it forms the backbone of The Athena File’s theme.  Abigail speaks it.  Where, I’m not telling.  You’ll have to read to find out.

How many times have we done exactly what she says?  Some circumstance throws us into a situation that feels desperate.  We want out.  Fast.  So we’ll do anything, bargain, if you would, so long as those circumstances change.  Even compromise ourselves.

I remember when I was single.  I badly wanted to be married.  Really badly.  I mean, that’s what happens when you see all of your friends getting married, right?  Twenty years ago, I was in a relationship that seemed to be the right fit in a lot of respects but not all the way.  It looked good, felt right.  But, as I prayed about it, I realized how I was compromising on a lot.  God also told me one thing.  It was so strong it was almost audible.  “Trust me.  Break up with him.”  Shortly before Christmas, I was the one who broke things off.  Did Steve magically appear at that time?  Nope.  God had more in store for me, another three years’ worth of growing.  But I have to say, the wait was worth it.

God had taken my bargaining (“I’ll do anything to make this work.”) and instead demanded my trust (breaking up with my boyfriend).

What about you?  What circumstance tries you?  Your kids who won’t disobey you and don’t respect you?  Your marriage where your spouse seems to be more of a tormenter than a best friend and lover?  Your job where it seems that to get ahead you have to give up your ethics?  Don’t try to bargain.  Instead, trust God to have your back.

I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  The work mentioned in this post is of my own writing.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR Part 255:
Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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