Staying Afloat in Life’s Rapids
by Jennifer Haynie @JenniferHaynie1 Have you ever had one of those years? Like when things just seemed to fall apart before your very eyes? Mine…
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Don’t Assume Nothing (Part 2)
“My life is going exactly as planned,” a high school friend told me once when we were hanging out a few years after we’d both…
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All prepared for a workout, I walked into the ladies locker room at my local gym and headed toward my favorite locker. I stopped short.…
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[caption id="attachment_981" align="alignleft" width="230"] Photo courtesy of Alex Pepperhill and www.flickr.com[/caption] I remember last January when 2014 turned over to 2015 and how I wondered…
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[caption id="attachment_457" align="alignleft" width="240"] Photo courtesy of Jon Wick and www.flickr.com.[/caption] It happens periodically. Life at work zooms from tranquil to crazy in the matter…
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