Meet Samir Kamil: 10 Questions Answered

PD_LowI’m now back from vacation and ready to rumble.  In this post, you get to meet Samir Kamil, one of the secondary characters in Panama Deception and one who takes unrequited love to a new level.

1.  What are your basic statistics?

My basic statistics?  Like what I look like and how I dress?  Very well.  I stand at approximately 180 centimeters, which is…ah, yes.  Five feet, eleven inches.  Tall for a Lebanese, perhaps.  I stay trim by playing sports like squash and tennis.  I have typical Mediterranean features.  Olive skin tones.  Black hair, which I wear slicked back.  My eyes are a brown.  Mocha is how most of the women I’ve dated define them.  They also say that is my best feature.

I greatly enjoy men’s fashions.  For me, it is silk instead of polyester.  Linen instead of cotton.  You see, I must dress like the businessman.  During the day, I wear suits and ties to the office.  In the evening?  Trousers and shirts.  I even have my share of shoes and watches.  Noor, my sister, likes to tease me about my tastes.  She says I’m almost like a woman in that regard.

Perhaps I should also say that both of my parents are still living.  Papa is president of Kamil International, the family business.  Noor, my only sibling, is Chief Operating Officer.  Mama jokes that she is the Chief Social Officer of the company since she oversees the social functions of the company in an informal capacity.

2.  What are your likes and dislikes?

Likes and dislikes.  Ah, I like that question.  For me, the likes are many.  I like fine dining, including fine wines.  You see, to me, being Muslim is cultural and nothing else.  I also enjoy nice clothing.  Tropical resorts.  The travel I get to do.  Sports, especially squash and tennis.  I have not quite discovered how much fun people say golf can be.  Dislikes?  I have a few.  Don’t we all, eh?  I dislike any seafood that is not fish.  I do not like rural people.  I think they’re simple.  And complainers.  In the office I where I once interned, a fellow told me that sometimes we must “play out of position.”  I expect my staff at work to do the same and will not tolerate grumbling.

3.  What is most precious to you and why?

I have this photograph from when I was in law school at The George Washington University.  It is of Melanie and me.  I don’t remember where it was.  Perhaps someone’s apartment, but all I remember is how young we were.  How innocent.

4.  Who has impacted you the most and why?

Melanie is the one who impacted me the most.  When we dated, she showed me how good it could be, which hasn’t made me give up the hope that perhaps one day, I can have a marriage that is happy and fulfilling.  I would like it to be with her.

5.  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

One word, eh?  Perhaps, a catch.

6.  What is your greatest strength and weakness?

This is beginning to sound like an interview for a job where I would be the one asking the questions.  My strengths.  I am smart.  Very smart.  I have a good mind and can piece together details to close a deal or finish a project.  I am also very loyal and giving.  I love my family.  I love the company we have built and continue to maintain.  I am also very loyal to my friends.  If someone needs a favor, I will do anything to make it happen.

Perhaps my loyalty can be my weakness too.  It can blind me to my friends’ faults.  Noor would say that.  She says all of the time that I am blind to Tarek and his ways.  She says I’m easily influenced, especially by him.  Some would call my wealth a weakness.  I know it can be, especially when mixed with my loyalties and the culture in which I grew up.  I have been known to—on occasion, mind you—accept a bribe here and there.

7.  What’s your biggest regret?

My biggest regret.  Ah, a good question, again.  And it is an easy one to answer.  I dearly regret the way I treated Melanie the summer we broke up.  If I had acted differently, we probably would have married and have children by now.

8.  What drives you?

The desire to live the life of wealth here in Beirut.  I am of the new generation, one that seeks to improve this city and to make it once more be again the jewel of the Mediterranean.  I want to enjoy those fruits.

9.  What do you want the most? What do you fear the most?

One may think I have it all.  I don’t.  I desire to have a wife and children.  And now, I fear most losing my family, my sister, parents, and nieces.

10.  What are three things you want people to learn from Panama Deception?

Being easily influenced is dangerous.  So are schemes by those you trust.  Love may never die sometimes.

I have not received any compensation for writing this post. The work mentioned in this post is of my own writing. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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