Baldacci Gets His Groove Back with Memory Man

Blog Post 65 Recent Reads by Oneras

Photo courtesy of Oneras and

I’ve been a David Baldacci fan for a long time, ever since the Camel Club years, to be honest.  For the most part, I’ve enjoyed his novels, but his last two or three began to concern me.  It seemed as if his writing was slipping as if he were writing to fulfill a contract rather than to capture readers and hold them tight.

Until Memory Man.  This novel follows Amos Decker, a former police detective with a strange gift or curse, depending on your perspective.  A hard hit on the football field during his one play in the NFL leaves Amos’ mind altered so that he cannot forget a single thing and sees numbers as colors.  This new facet of his life serves him well as a detective—until the day he returns home and finds his family murdered.  Their deaths sends him spiraling out of control into homelessness and then into a private investigator job that barely keeps a roof over his head.  An incident in his city pulls him back into the fray as he works with the police to find a killer.

In a suspense novel that has echoes of my favorite television show, The Blacklist, Baldacci weaves a tale that will keep you reading.  From about the time that I picked up the book until when I finished, I could barely put it down.  At least I had a long weekend over which to read.  He develops the characters in Memory Man well.  The plot enthralls, and his writing has returned to the Baldacci writing I know and love with hardly any adverbs—a doubly good fortune.

Memory Man is definitely worth the read, better still a book to buy in hard copy and add to your existing collection of Baldacci books or suspense novels.  I look forward to more to come in the future.

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