Moving Beyond – Gradually

Aspen during a snow day in February 2010. She loved playing in it but enjoyed coming inside just as much.
Some of you may wonder why I’ve been silent for a bit on the blogs. The past month has been hard. As I previously wrote, we lost our female basenji of fifteen years, Aspen, on March 18. Since then, it’s been a struggle at times. For the most part, I’ve hidden it well. Life’s routines have a way of forcing us to engage in living when all we want to do is huddle in bed. But there have been instances these past few weeks where, if I let myself think too long about Aspen and those last few days, the tears come to my eyes and try to force themselves loose. Sometimes I let them. Sometimes I push them away.
Time is the best healer of them all. Sure, it may be a cliché, but often, clichés contain truths to which we must listen. Even in this short bit of time, bits of joy have broken through like shafts of sunlight that peek through clouds after a storm. I know that as more weeks pass, the clouds will part. And yes, I know that one day, we will get a new dog, not to replace Aspen since she was as unique as my fingerprint, but to be an addition to our family. God knows the timing of that, and He will provide her in His perfect time, whenever that may be.
Until then, Steve and I have Wallace. He’s settled in to being an only dog, and I think he’s growing into the role quite nicely. We love on him lots, and finally, finally, he’s putting on the weight he’s lost. Matter of fact, I caught him eating like a Viking a few minutes ago, a good thing in my book.
And no, I’ve not given up on writing. You’ll be hearing a lot more from me now on a regular basis, not only about writing in general but also about The Athena File as its release date approaches. Thank you again for your patience, and stay tuned.
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