Music to Live By

I’m not a big collector.  Sure, when I was a child, I was a huge unicorn collector.  And Star Wars figures collector.  These days, as a recovering pack rat, I generally try to avoid collecting stuff.  But I do enjoy music.  The shelves at the house are filled with lots of music.  Mainly country and Christian but also with some folk and rock’n roll mixed in as well.  Oh, and let’s not forget about the Eighties music I have as well.

I really enjoy finding music that’s not played on mainstream radio.  Just in the past year or so, I’ve come across a group and a singer who are definitely worth a listen.

The group, Red Mountain Music, played at our church a couple of years ago.  Essentially, they’re a group of musicians at the Red Mountain Church in Birmingham, AL who have taken an interest in taking all-but-forgotten hymns and setting them to new music.  As a result, they’ve produced five CDs so far that are incredible.  I have all of their CDs (does this make me a groupie?), and at least one of them is in my car stereo at all times.

The singer is a guy named Kareem Salama.  Egyptian by heritage and an Oklahoma native, Kareem composes and performs his own music on the two CDs he’s put out to date (I have both.  Again, does that make me a groupie?).  The music itself is folk, although I can certainly here country and other influences in it.  And his lyrics are very deep and thought-provoking.  Once again, at least one of the CDs is in the car stereo.

I hope that you’ll get a chance to visit their Web sites.  I promise you’ll be more the richer for it.  Maybe in the future, I’ll do a post on other singers I truly enjoy.  Happy listening!

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    The Conversation

  1. kath says:

    I used to collect cedar boxes because I thought they smelled awesome.

    I ended up giving the Red Mountain Music collection of 4 to my brother John for Christmas a couple years ago. I might have to steal them back, hehehe 🙂

  2. promosyon says:

    I always read your blog in high spirits. Thanks 🙂