Changing It Up
I know it’s been a bit since I wrote. Part of it occurs when the To Do list grows out of control and pushes blogging down to the bottom. Part of it is that I’ve embarked on a new adventure with my blog. The long and short of it is that I plan to take it to the next level.
“Huh?” you may ask. “Take it to the next level? Explain!”
I’ll be glad to. Back when I began my blog a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (okay, really only about six or so years ago in the neighboring city), I thought it would be a way to get word out about who I am and what my writing is about. As things go in this process of becoming a published novelist, I’ve had to learn things the hard way, and I realized that wielding the blog as a tool to build what’s called a “platform” in the writing/social media world takes skill and care. And when rendered effectively, it results in a “tribe,” again another word from the writing/social media world. A platform is what I’m all about. A tribe is my following.
What will this new blog look like and do?
It will have a new look and feel. I’m currently working with a professional web designer to get my site looking and feeling like that of a person who writes suspense novels.
- My blog will be integrated. On my current website, my blog resides as a separate page. On the new site, it will be integrated into the home page (, only one click away instead of two. There, I’ll touch mainly on two themes that are on my tagline — On the edge suspense. On the edge living. Most of my post will be in these areas; however, I will occasionally deviate, not only to provide a brief breath of fresh air but also to break up the pattern.
- You will have a clear opportunity to follow me. Other than my website, I reside on Facebook, LinkedIn, and hopefully Pinterest if I can figure out how writers utilize that site effectively. I also will have an RSS feed button where you can choose to join if you like. I’ll also have a mailing list to use if you wish to join for special updates that might occur outside of the website.
- My books will have a definitive home. I do continue to offer Exiled Heart and hopefully future novels through my website, so stay tuned for that.
When, you might ask, will the new look occur? My thoughts are to have it up and running by Labor Day weekend. A lot of it depends on my Web designer and her schedule, so we’ll see what happens. Be patient, as I will most likely go silent for a bit–but not for long. When I do get up and running, I encourage you to come and visit the site. Join the mailing list. Follow me. I think we’ll be able to learn a lot from each other.
The Conversation
Thanks for sending me the email announcing your website changes and letting me know in a surprising but fun way for me to know you better. Of course you can imagine why I think it is surprising and fun. It isn’t the way i would assume to be the case, but maybe so. I like your posted topics, but don’t “like stuff” on FaceBook!
Dale, You’re very welcome. I definitely look forward to hearing from you in the future as well.