Sizzlin’ Southern Summer

Okay.  So I know that the Midwest is making all of the headlines this spring with the crazy weather that they’ve been having.  But I’m here to tell you that it is HOT here in North Carolina!  They’re calling for 100 today, 102 tomorrow, and 100 on Monday.  And it’s not even officially summer!  Yikes!

But that’s okay.  Really.  As a native southerner, I’m used to scorching weather, albeit at least later in the summer.  And it’s not a dry heat.  So sorry about that.  No, humidity’s thrown in there.  So the temperature that it would really feel like is 106 to 107, according to  It’s nice to know that by Thursday, a “cold front” will bring “cooler” temperatures that will push the highs to about 90.  So until then, those of you who are in the South right now, be thankful for AC, cool showers, and that delicious drink called sweet tea.  Cheers!

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