2021 Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge
by Jennifer Haynie Blogger's Note: I know I've been away for a bit. Sometimes, life intervenes. After our mid-October vacation, our half-marathon plans went off…
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Thanksgiving 2020 Gratitude Challenge
by Jennifer Haynie @JenniferHaynie1 Thanksgiving week is here. One thing I like to do on Thanksgiving Day is what I call a Gratitude Challenge. What…
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Vacation has thrown me off. Not just a little bit. A lot. A whole lot. Thanksgiving is next week. It’s too early, and I’m not…
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[caption id="attachment_290" align="alignleft" width="273"] www.flickr.com, courtesy of Tim Sackton[/caption] At last! The Holidays are here! What should start it all off but Thanksgiving. When I…
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The Thanksgiving Challenge
Today is Thanksgiving, the day when we gather around the table with family and friends, delve into turkey or ham or whatever meal you choose,…
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