The Fiscal Year

Well, I guess you could say that Labor Day starts a new fiscal year for me.  No, it’s not the State Fiscal Year, which starts on July 1st.  Or the Federal Fiscal Year that starts on October 1st, but to me, it’s still a new fiscal year since school has started or will start soon for kids all over the nation.  Though I don’t have children, it seems as if a lot does start over.  They move up a grade in school.  At church, classes switch, and the kids move up a grade.  A new year for everyone.

And in some respects, it’s a new year for hubby and me.  We just moved a couple of months ago to a new place.  It’s nice.  Closer to family, friends, and church, and still close to work.  So it’s almost like starting up life again after a rushed and hurried summer.  And where, exactly, did summer go?

Now, I look forward to life easing back to “normal.”  Well, as “normal” as life can get.  And that includes continuing my writing, and, I hope, keeping up with this blog a little better.

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