5 Things You Need To Know About Hunter Hunted

HH_lowOn Tuesday, October 28th, I will indie-publish my second novel, Hunter Hunted.  This one is suspense with a little bit of romance thrown in.  Out of all of the novels I’ve written, I’ve learned the most through writing this one.  Additionally, the characters began taking on a life of their own as I wrote it.  In future posts, I’ll share more about the novel from their point of view.  Today, I’m providing five vital things you need to know about Hunter Hunted.

  1. The idea.  The idea for Hunter Hunted came in an unusual way.  In 2011, my husband, a friend, and I began painting our great room and kitchen.  The job turned into a three-day adventure, and to pass the time, we turned on the radio to a station out of the Triad area of North Carolina that claims they play everything.  One of the songs they played was Duran Duran’s “A View to a Kill.”  Almost instantly, the idea popped into my head of a woman sniper who seeks vengeance against the man who murdered her years before.
  2. The main characters.  Jenna Knight became my sniper assassin out for revenge as my protagonist.  All protagonists need antagonists, those who oppose them and their objectives yet aren’t necessarily the villain.  Who better than a man who works in private security and is assigned to protect her target?  Enter Jake Witherspoon.  Finally, what better way to spice up a suspense novel than to add a little romantic tension? Eric Smith is the man who trained Jenna and wants her to himself.
  3. The setting.  Hunter Hunted takes place in several different places.  It includes domestic locales like my adopted hometown of Raleigh, Lake Gaston, eastern North Carolina, and New Orleans.  Then Jenna and Jake also travel to more exotic locales like Paris, Tanzania, and Guatemala.
  4. The plot.  The plot varies in its pace.  It starts with a bang as the reader learns a little about how Jenna becomes who she is.  Then it picks up once more before easing off a little to give the reader a chance to breathe and a chance to learn more about the characters.  Beware.  It builds again, this time exploding in action with few pauses for a chance to go “Whew!” as it blazes to the end.
  5. The theme.  Hunter Hunted explores several themes, including the need to forgive, the impact of focusing on one goal to the detriment of others, the need to let go of regret, and the impact of romantic obsession.  Finally, one of the biggest take-away messages is how we as humans are never too far gone for the power of forgiveness that comes from Christ dying on that cross and rising again.  All of these themes bubbled to the surface during the writing of the novel.

I hope that you enjoy Hunted Hunted.  Look for it on Amazon on October 28th.  When you read it, I’d like to hear from you, either through my website or through a review on Amazon.  May you get as much out of reading it as I did writing it.

I have not received any compensation for writing this post. The work mentioned in this post is of my own writing.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”






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