
  • Advent Anticipation: Looking Forward to Christmas

    by Jennifer Haynie @JenniferHaynie1 These past few weeks have been hard. It’s been difficult to hear the negativity awash in the news and on social media, to attempt to prepare a Thanksgiving tha

  • Thanksgiving 2020 Gratitude Challenge

    by Jennifer Haynie @JenniferHaynie1 Thanksgiving week is here. One thing I like to do on Thanksgiving Day is what I call a Gratitude Challenge. What I do is in my journal, list out a hundred things

  • 5 Reasons Why I Love My Quirky Basenjis

    by Jennifer Haynie @JenniferHaynie1 National Basenji Mischief Day was last Friday. Okay, so it’s not a holiday like Labor Day, the Fourth of July, or even National Ice Cream Day. But it’s a hol

  • The Concept of Home

    by Jennifer Haynie @JenniferHaynie1 When I graduated high school, I headed to college. During those four years, I shuttled back and forth between campus, a three-hour ride, and home over mostly two

  • Remember to Vote

    by Jennifer Haynie @JenniferHaynie1 Blogger’s Note: Normally, I’d expend a few hundred words on a blog post for you, but during this last week before the elections, I’ll instead u