Christmas Wishes Through Songs
It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted. Christmas has come, and along with it come the requisite chores, those of shopping, making cookies, parties, and Christmas cards. Throughout it all, it’s easy to lose the real reason we have Christmas. So in this post, though it may be short and perhaps not the most polished piece of writing I’ve done, I’ll use song titles to give my Christmas wishes.
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” All of the Old Testament looks forward to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Even minutes after Adam and Eve took a bit of forbidden apple, God set His plan in motion with the first prophecy. Prophets for hundreds of years after that foretold of a Messiah who would ransom those captive to sin.
“Hark the Herald Angels Sing” The angels told of the good news that beautiful night when Christ came. So do missionaries who now spread the good news across not only the world but also this country. Word has gone out about Christ the Savior and Lord. Do you trust Him yet? If not, consider reading the Book of John as a good starting place in the Bible.
“O Holy Night” Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve. Many people, believers and non-believers alike, will attend church. It is a sacred night. Will you be there? Come hear about the coming of the King people yearned to see so long ago.
“Beautiful Star of Bethlehem” This song talks about the star of Bethlehem shining on. I pray that as Christmas Day passes (as someone said, no day is so “over” as Christmas Day), that the light of the Star of Bethlehem will continue to shine forth on You. Why?
“Joy to the World” Friday will mark a celebration. Joy has come via the birth of a tiny baby, the Savior of the world. Some may scoff. Some may deny, but I cannot. Christ the King has come! May God bless you all, and may that joy come to rest in your heart.
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