Meet Milla Hartwell: A Woman Not to Be Trifled With
Blogger’s Note: Today, you’ll hear from Milla Hartwell, the antagonist in Operation Javelin. She’ll tell you a little bit about what brought her to the point where she’ll do anything to see her dream come true.
Where I stand at the end of 2017. That’s what I am to discuss. I stand at the point where one of my biggest dreams is about to come to fruition. It all revolves around the Javelin Project. You’ll find out much more about in the book, I’m sure, as you will the driving forces behind it. Let’s just say that it’s the culmination of many years’ worth of work to ensure that no one else will endure what I’ve endured over the past several years. The Javelin Project will be my legacy. Maybe then, the pain of the past several years will have been worth it.
It’s come to my attention that some people who work for me do not agree with my intentions related to this product that has been under heavy research the past couple of years. The woman, Ying Wu, is one of the toxicologists on my staff. She’s an excellent worker, someone who doesn’t mind extra hours when required. She’s produced very good studies and reports related to the Javelin Project.
Until now.
She came to me shortly after we returned from Thanksgiving with a different attitude. One of anger and pleading. I needed to halt development of the Javelin Project. That’s not an option for me. I’ve made it very clear to her that I took her concerns under advisement but that we will indeed continue. Her angst turned to sullenness. Then, it seemed, to acceptance.
This change has made me suspicious. I was always told that anything worth having is worth fighting for, and I’ll not let her stop this work, no matter what.
I’ve also tightened security at the research facility on Hawaii’s Big Island, which is where I live as well. We developed drones and recently received permission from the government to properly arm them. Shelly Wise, the young lady who is on contract with us until April, has helped install MP5 guns on all drones that patrol the grounds. Couple those guns with artificial intelligence, and anyone who tries to sneak onto the property will be stopped.
I’m ready for threats from within and without. No one will stop the Javelin Project from moving forward.
No one.
Question: Why does Milla make for a dangerous woman?
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