What an Eclectic Music Playlist Can Do
I’ve been doing a lot of travel for work lately, much of it driving by myself. A couple of weeks ago, I was riding with…
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On Being Intentional
A couple of months ago, I had lunch with a colleague. We’ve hit it off, and I’ve come to see him like a little brother…
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5 Ways to Be an Encourager
Things a year ago looked very different than they did now. My husband Steve had just had back surgery on July 20. During this three-week…
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Staying Afloat in Life’s Rapids
by Jennifer Haynie @JenniferHaynie1 Have you ever had one of those years? Like when things just seemed to fall apart before your very eyes? Mine…
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Being Mary in a Martha World
It happened. Two years ago, when we had our annual Third of July party, the food arrived. So did the guests. During the whole evening,…
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