The Critical Question

At last, I’m pleased to announce that Book Three of the Unit 28 series has arrived. On August 9, Uncommon Vengeance be available on Amazon, and the e-book is already available for pre-order. This book marks a change in the Unit 28 series, something that I’ll discuss in a post a few weeks from now.

Today, I’ll talk about how I came up with the idea for this book. Whenever I’m thinking about a book, I tend to ask myself a lot of questions that relate to the character, especially if I already have a character in a series and a general idea of where I want the plot to go.

For Uncommon Vengeance, my thoughts focused on one central question:

What happens in a marriage, long after the wedding bells have stopped ringing, when a husband and wife face a daunting challenge they never dreamed they’d face?

It was a hard question to ask because that means that both Alex Thornton al-Omri and her husband, Jabir, must go through so much and reach the end of themselves.

What became very interesting for me were the questions that came after this one central question. Some were:

  • What happens when tragedy strikes not just Alex but all of her coworkers? How does she deal with that?
  • How does Alex face the loss of intimacy in her marriage?
  • What happens when she gets so focused that she loses sight of what really matters?

Of course, I’m not going to tell you the answers to these questions. But Alex wants to tell her story to you, and I hope you’ll take her up on it when the book comes out.

Question: What is your favorite book that led to thought-provoking questions?

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