Alex Thornton Al-Omri: Learning to Wait on God

Blogger’s Note: This post is the second post related to Uncommon Vengeance, which is Book 3 of the Unit 28 series. Learn more about what’s going on in Alex’s mind between Book 2 and Book 3.

Lots has happened since Loose Ends, which is Book 2 of the Unit 28 series. Hah. I have to laugh because it’s been almost three and a half years.

Do you believe in prayer? I do. Certainly during my life with Unit 28, first fulltime with them and now as a contractor, I’ve seen prayer play a big role in my life. It’s worked in tandem with another gift God gave me, my instinct. Both have kept me alive and for the most part well in circumstances that could have spelled my end.

But the hardest part of life that I’ve found is the waiting-on-God part. You see, Jabir, my husband, and I have wanted children for a couple of years now. And face it, at the age of thirty-seven, those chances of conceiving have begun rapidly dwindling. I won’t go into the details, but let’s just say that nothing’s happened.

Honestly, I’ve begun wondering if it’s placed a strain on my marriage with Jabir. I don’t think either one of us wants to acknowledge it, but I’m worried that we’ve stopped talking with one another. Sure, we talk, but I guess really communicating is what I mean. And habits that I thought as cute or merely annoying while we were dating are really bothering me now. Like he loves to sneak out and leave me with the dirt dishes, even if I do the cooking. Not fair is what I say.

Maybe this is what happens when the newness fades on a marriage. But Mom and Dad seem to get a kick out of one another, and this year is their fortieth anniversary. So go figure. I sure don’t know.

Maybe work has pulled us down. When we’re not contracting with Unit 28, he’s got a personal trainer job while I work with my sister-in-law at her construction business. Life’s just fallen into a pattern during the first part of 2021. At least we got away for a long weekend recently. It was a good one, one to just relax and try to gain back some of that intimacy I’m fearing we’ve lost.

And since we’ve been back, things with Unit 28 have picked up. Big time. And I’m feeling touchy in the emotional department, which isn’t like me. Like I’m way too sensitive about stuff, even to the point where my coworkers have noticed. Something just doesn’t feel right physically either. After this next big mission for Unit 28, I’ll deal with it. And maybe when Jabir and I head to our all-hands meeting in a couple of weeks, I’ll know better what’s going on.

Learning to trust in God’s timing is the hardest thing of all, especially if what you’re waiting on is very much wanted and desired. #UncommonVengeance #Unit28Series #AmReading #Suspense Share on X

Uncommon Vengeance, Book 3 of the Unit 28 series, premieres on Tuesday, August 9. Check it out exclusively at Amazon.

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