The Review: You Can Do It!
Reviews. I’m convinced that they’re they bane of every writer’s existence. Truly. Our very lives as writers hinge on them. We hold our breaths as we wait for them to come in. Well, sort of. And yes, I do speak in hyperbole here. Our self-image does not hinge on them, at least it shouldn’t. Problem is, sometimes it does. A good review boosts us into the heavens. A bad one? It can send us into the doldrums faster than you can say, “Review.”
The thing is, though, good or bad, we as writers like our reviews, and to be honest, we need them. I have to say that being raised in the South, I’ve found it almost impolite to ask for reviews. Gradually, very gradually, I’m getting over that. It’s been hard, but I truly do need them as I get ready to launch The Athena File. And I’ll need them for other books too.
I know that writing reviews can be daunting. A friend of mine mentioned that to me. I’ve also felt inadequate for the task. What? Me, a writer, feeling inadequate about writing a review? It’s intimidating. But here’s a secret. Remember that you’re posting on a distributor’s site (Amazon, Nook, etc.), not in The New York Times. It doesn’t have to be long. A sentence works if you’re hard-pressed. A paragraph is perfect, or more if you wish.
Here’s a few basic pointers that I picked up from Googling “How to write a book review.” First, briefly describe the plot of the novel without giving away the end. Say what you liked/didn’t like about it. If you wish, state if you’d recommend the novel to someone else. In a nutshell, that’s how book reviews are written. They don’t have to be complicated unless you’re writing it for some big review publication. Me? I try to keep it short and sweet when I’m posting reviews.
And finally, I’m issuing a challenge. When The Athena File comes out on June 21, read it. Write a review and post on Amazon. Then go to my Contact page and copy that review in the message body. At the end of the first month after it comes out (July 21), I’ll select from the entries I have. The winner of a random drawing will receive a prize box of goodies related to my books.
Enjoy, and I look forward to your entries.
I have not received any compensation for writing this post. The work mentioned in this post is of my own writing. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR Part 255:
Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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