Why Snow Days Can Be Good


Photo courtesy of Rachel Kramer and www. flickr.com

Photo courtesy of Rachel Kramer and www. flickr.com

Wednesday night, the Triangle experienced one of the biggest snowfalls in a while.  Approximately six inches fell throughout the area.  Other areas got more, others got less.  Thanks to sleet mixing in with the snow, some people lost power.  The white fluff created a slick nightmare on the roads.  All in all, it brought activity to a halt for the most part.

If you live in the northerly parts of the country, go ahead and laugh.  Yes, it did make the pace of our world skid to a stop.

Snow days aren’t all bad.


Five things.

  • It allows for rest. Most of us move at breakneck speed throughout the daily drudgery of life. We get up. Go to work. Shuttle children to and from activities, all the while checking our Smartphones and iPhones to make sure we didn’t miss anything. Arrive home and throw a meal together. Then oversee homework or shuttle the children to more activities before finally falling exhausted into bed. When snow comes, it forces the pace to slow. We linger between sheets warm from a night of sleeping.
  • It allows for more efficient work. Sometimes at the office, it’s hard to get work done. Ironic, isn’t it? But it’s true. Especially if you have a lot of projects where you need to provide input in the form of meetings. If you prepare, snow days actually allow for a lot of work to be done. That happened to me yesterday. I brought home work and managed to complete a satisfactory chunk to keep from falling behind.
  • It allows for play. This is a highly underrated area of life. Something about the snow brings out the child in all of us. We at least want to go outside and stomp around in the white stuff, even if it’s snow mixed with ice. Take snow days to play with your kids or friends.
  • It restores communication. Being forced indoors for a majority of the time can engender communication—so long as you turn off those electronic devices. On snow days, take the time to leave them in another room. Talk over meals. Play a game together. Strengthen those family ties and friendships.
  • It allows for wonder. Wednesday night, I told my husband that I wanted to stay up long enough to see the snow really start to fall. And shortly after eleven, it did. It made me stare in wonder, especially because I’d missed the Great Snow of 2000. God displayed His splendor in the form of fat, fluffy white flakes falling from the sky.

The next time you have a snow day, don’t grouse.  Don’t wish you were in the office catching up on work.  Instead, take the time to slow down.  I promise you won’t get disappointed.

Question:  What did you do on your snow day?

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